General Approach

  • Normalize, Not Pathologize

    Your symptoms, your present coping, your patterns, you may not like them, but they make a lot of sense. We’ll explore the factors that have shaped them in a way that inspires clarity, not shame.

  • Whole Person Therapy

    You’ll be seen and related to as a whole person with unique strengths, challenges and interests. While your therapy will always be centered around your needs, you will come to know your therapist as a person too.

  • Go Beyond Talking

    Awareness alone hasn’t been enough to shift your most problematic patterns. We’ll need to modulate your emotions and somatic sensations, not just your thoughts. To do that, we’ll create new experiences with yourself and with others.

Specific Interventions

We seamlessly & creatively integrate many interventions including the following:

  • This approach uses bilateral stimulation or BLS (e.g. vibrations moving between hands, eye movements, or tones moving from the left to right ear) to assist you in processing the distressing and unresolved. The approach has two prongs. The first is called resourcing, which involves using BLS to enhance your ability to embody positive feeling states and capacities, including feeling nurtured, protected and valued. This can be healing on its own. Additionally, it can be used in tandem with the second prong of treatment involving desensitization and reprocessing or decreasing the impact of problematic memories, situations or relationships by having you imagine aspects of them in a controlled and productive way, while applying BLS. After rounds of processing, you can encounter the problem without feeling a strong emotional and physical response, leading to feeling safety, possibility or mastery where you had previously felt overwhelmed or stuck.

  • This emotion focused therapy explores how deeply you process emotions by yourself and when in the presence of others. We will help you notice when emotion is coming up in session and assist you in riding its waves. We will explore how more fully processing the emotions that you may be avoiding, most commonly anger and sadness, can enable a deeper connection to yourself and others. We will also explore how the avoidance of deeper emotions comes at a cost, creating anxiety, irritability and disconnection.

  • We all have different parts or self states that operate depending on our environment or emotional context. We have a different way of feeling, thinking and even behaving with those we know well compared to those we are just meeting. We have different experiences of ourselves and our capacities when we are most stressed compared to when we are most relaxed. If you are experiencing a lot of internal conflict or vacillate between dramatically different experiences of yourself (and some may be empowering and others debilitating ), parts work may be a helpful way of better integrating your nervous system. Instead of focusing on and interacting with a memory, feeling or sensation, you will be visualizing or sensing the part of you that is holding that memory, feeling or sensation. You will become aware of your parts and the valuable roles that they have played in your survival. You will learn how to interact with them with the goal of creating more internal harmony and more continuity of experience.

  • You will bring awareness to your internal experience, including emotions and bodily sensations. Once you have an awareness of your internal experience, you now have the option to modify it. You will learn concrete skills that will enable you to up-regulate (increase your arousal level) or down-regulate (decrease or soothe your arousal level), depending on what you’re needing.

  • We will collaborate to figure out which of the following modalities will factor into your child’s treatment based on their evolving needs:

    Parent Coaching—Parents delve deeper into their child’s symptoms, looking for underlying causes, including understanding the interplay between presenting issues and family dynamics. We will collaborate to identify practical solutions that address symptoms but also prioritize strengthening the parent-child relationship.

    Family Work—Sessions strive to create a safe space for parents and children/teens to effectively communicate and resolve conflict. Sessions also aim to strengthen the bond between parent and child/teen using honest dialogue and experiential exercises.

    Individual Therapy—These sessions may be more skills-based and structured or more open-ended and spontaneous, depending on the needs of the child/teen and phase of treatment. Sessions may leverage creative projects, humor, pop-cultural references, visual aids, games and props to soften defenses and aid in emotional expression.

Trauma-Focused Therapy

This practice specializes in treating traumatic stress, including Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which may relate to single or multiple episodes of trauma (e.g., assault, accidents) and complex/relational trauma (C-PTSD) that stems from traumatic relationships or situations that occur over time (e.g., abuse and neglect).  C-PTSD can cause profound disruptions in many areas, including mood, anxiety, emotion regulation, trust, intimacy, self-esteem, and executive functioning. We will take special care to understand and stabilize trauma triggers and survival responses and create flexibility in your nervous system. From there, we will compassionately and painstakingly desensitize and rewire traumatic memories/responses to create a deeper level of stability and newfound wellbeing.